Texas Divorce- Important Considerations

Texas Divorce- Important Considerations

Divorce, by nature, is extremely personal to those involved. Spouses may be experiencing a variety of feelings toward the other party such as anger, frustration, disappointment, and often betrayal.

Below are some important and critical items to consider when going through a divorce:

Be on Your Best Behavior

  • Show up to any court hearing when your presence is required and don’t be late.
  • You have to be the bigger person to minimize conflict with your spouse.

Maintain a Positive Attorney-Client Relationship

  •  Tell your attorney the truth. Remember that your attorney is on your side so leaving out facts because it is embarrassing or because you fear being judged will not help you. It is likely that the other side will surprise your attorney with the information that you are hiding, which hurts your case.
  • Your attorney will work with you to determine the best route to take for you so trust your attorney.
  • Provide your attorney with any relevant and material documentation that helps to prove your case.

 Can’t Make It Better? Then Try Not to Make It Worse! 

  • Try to work with your spouse to make the divorce process as painless as possible.
  • Try to resolve small conflicts with your spouse without the necessity of attorney or court intervention (if possible).
  • You may feel overwhelmed and like you just want it all to be over, this does not mean that you are weak.
  • Going through a divorce can change a person and so you may feel like you do not recognize your spouse at times.
  • It is okay to feel hurt, angry, sad, or any other feeling that you feel. Let yourself grieve. Divorce is hard.

Call Jane Gekhman at (940) 222-6014 if you are considering or going through a divorce. We can help.