Tips to Help You Survive While Living in the Same Home with an Ex-partner

Tips to Help You Survive While Living in the Same Home with an Ex-partner

Being separated but still living with your ex in the same house would seem like a nightmare if it were not for the fact that living apart is not an option. Especially now when Covid-19 has caused quarantines and even shelter-in-place for many.

Below are some tips to help survive, temporarily, in the same home:

  1. Give each other space by being in separate rooms. If there’s an option for one ex to be on one floor and the other on another floor, then separating yourselves by floors will be helpful. At a minimum, do not sleep in the same bed.
  2. Respect each other’s privacy and space.
  3. Set up a schedule or list of all the household duties and work out how they will be allocated. Some people will choose to leave things as they are while others may want their ex to take on more responsibility than before.
  4. It is so important to organize the finances as it is often the reason a separated couple is still living under the same roof.
  5. Communicate on a friendly or amicable level. If there are children in the house, this will be critical.
  6. Discuss living apart. If possible, set move-out date and a plan. If there are children, discuss what each parents’ time with the children could be like post move-out.

Whatever a person’s reasons for considering ending their relationship or marriage are, the simple fact that they are thinking about ending their marriage is reason enough to speak to an experienced family law attorney.

Call Jane Gekhman at (940) 222-6014, we can help.